Field setup

Field setup

➽The game starts when all players are standing at the desired bow with one foot next to the bow! the referee blows the whistle. The players are then allowed to pick up bow run and get as many arrows as they can.

➹ You always need to have a bow in your hand after whistle blows !

➹ You are not allowed to use your bow to collect more arrows.

➹ If a battle occurs over an arrow, the person holding the foam part of the arrow gets it.

field setup

field setup

Playing field:
During first minutes of the game, each team plays one its own side of the pitch. If you cross the middle line, you’re out. After a few minutes the referee will blow the whistle again, provided there are still active players left from both teams. After the second whistle you are allowed to use the opponent’s side of the field as well. CAT is always played within a marked out area, if you go outside the marks, you are considered hit.

➹ You are allowed to cross over to the opponent’s side or go outside the marked out area if you are collecting arrows. However, you can get hit once doing it.

Don’t let him get you

Don’t let him get you

➽You can be hit anywhere on your body, including your helmet and the hand you’re holding the bow in. The arrows can “kill” you as long as they are in motion. You therefore also need to look out for arrows bouncing on the floor. It is the foam part of the arrow that can “kill” you.

➹ An arrow needs to be shot from a bow to count as a hit. It is not counted if it’s thrown or poked on someone.

➹The only timeouts are for equipment safety issues and injured players. On the rare occasion of an injury, immediately notify the referee to stop play and attend to the injured player.

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Extra lives:
➽If you get hit you go to the other side of the playing field. The cube is both team’s extra lives. You are never allowed to shoot the cube lives from any distance closer than youe safety line. If a team member hits one of the cubes, the person who was out first gets to come back into the game.

➽Another way of getting a team member back into the game is to catch an arrow from the other team before it hits the ground. The cubes are limited.

➹When you catch an arrow from the opponents before it lands and you get an extra life, you need to catch it in your hand. No other part of the body counts. If the arrow touches any other parts of your body, you have been hit.


➹At the end of the time limit, the team with the greater number of points will be declared the winner.